Tuesday, August 17, 2004

"Send to a friend"

*UPDATE:* I stand corrected - amazon.com does have a "Send to a friend" option. But its so far down in the page that you would need to look real hard to find it! Why not put it as an icon next to the book cover, I wonder. Read on for my original post . . .

I was browsing barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com today and found that both these (extremely popular) websites did not have a simple "Send to a friend" option that is found on any self-respecting website that claims to be a resource for anything.

I browse through books, I find something interesting, I want to recommend to a friend - but I can't (or atleast I have to take the long route of copy/pasting the URL into an email and sending it out). This is something which will deter me from doing it often. And I guess I don't not need to emphasize that the best publicity is word of mouth.

Maybe I'm missing something (time to get my eyes checked?) but I seem to have searched through most of the book listings pages and did not find the "Send to friend" option on any of them.

Amazon.com allows me to see the front cover, back cover, flap and excerpts of the "Da Vinci Code" up close and personal (they provide a "zoom" function!) - but they don't seem to provide me a simple "send to friend" icon that I can use to recommend that book to someone else.

Is technology ignoring the simpler (and more valuable) things in life?

BTW go read the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown!

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